Children's Programs

Learn more about the innovative, inclusive, and compassionate programs currently offered at the Center for children ages 5 - 21. 


Children's Day Program

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The Children's Day Program at the Center is a 12-month education program supporting children ages 5 - 21 who have an educational classification of Autism, Intellectual Disability or Multiple Disabilities. Students are referred to the program through their home district when their IEP goals and education needs cannot be met in their current placements. 


Paula Matthews

Principal of Children's Day Program

Tel: (516)-921-7650





Children's Residential Program

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The Children's Residential Program is designed to provide opportunities for life-long learning, as well as employment and recreational opportunities. Our supportive programming includes communication skills, personal hygiene and grooming, domestic skills, effective use of leisure time, family and community living and socialization.


Jaime Huether

Director of Children's Residential Program

Tel: (516)-921-7650

