Employment Training Program (ETP)

The Employment Training Program (ETP) is designed for individuals with an intellectual and developmental disability who are ready to work, but require more supports than what is typically provided through the Traditional Supported Employment Services (SEMP) in order to become an successful employee. 

ETP offers individuals various opportunities to work as an intern that will guide them in the right path to receive permanent employment at the workplace of their choice in the community.

During the internship, wages are paid to individuals through ETP, while they receive the required skill training needed for employment. ETP offers those enrolled to attend job readiness classes, which present topics such as conflict resolution, and how to properly dress in the work environment. 

ETP Services also include enhanced job coaching to help each individual become successful at work, as well as assistance with other employability skills. Once an individual is able to perform their job at the established industry standard, they will become an employee of the company, and are transferred into Extended Supported Employment Services.

*ETP is an Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) Waiver funded program.


Community Job Fair


Interning at Assemblywoman Kimberly Jean-Pierre’s Office

For Contact Information click here

For candidates who have the desire to work but are not yet ready for competitive employment our VSS department offers more supports through our Pathway to Employment and SEMP services.